» About us

MPB provides solutions for EMF / EMC / RF testing applications, through R&D, design, production, sale and rental of high technology electronic devices, training courses and consulting. In the field since 1998, MPB has acquired a know-how to be spent on any type of need in the field of reference

Our R&D department works every day to develop new ideas, continously pursuing new solutions for the telecommunications world and for signal measurements in EMC, EMI, EMF.

The MPB instrumentation is designed, manufactured and calibrated at our laboratories, equipped with ISO 14025 calibrated test equipment as well as suitable test and calibration environments such as anechoic chamber, TEM and GTEM cells, Helmoltz coils covering the range DC-40 GHz

The choice of a customer-oriented business model and ever-changing quality has helped make our company innovative and reliable over the years.